Cerita Lucu: Sandal yang Berlainan Warna Posted: 10 Dec 2009 12:48 PM PST Cara pikir yang sepenggal-sepenggal seringkali menghadirkan cerita lucu. Contohnya diantaranya adalah kisah humor di bawah ini. Semoga cerita humor ini bukan hanya menghibur kita, melainkan juga dapat mendorong kita untuk lebih utuh dalam memandang persoalan apa pun. Sandal yang Berlainan Warna Seorang bapak pergi dengan anaknya untuk berjalan-jalan menghirup udara segar. Belum berapa jauh berjalan, sang bapak sadar bahwa sandal yang dipakainya berlainan warna, yang kanan merah dan yang kiri berwarna biru. Karena malas untuk kembali, ia menyuruh anaknya untuk pulang mengambilkan sandal yang betul, dan sementara itu ia menunggu di bawah pohon yang rindang. Setelah berapa lama, sang anak kembali dengan tangan kosong …. “Kenapa kamu tidak bawa sandalnya ….?!!” ujar sang bapak gusar. “Percuma, Pa … soalnya sandal yang di rumah juga berlainan warna.” Posted in Berita & Cerita, Cerita Lucu Tagged: humor   |
Lowongan Pekerjaan Proyek ADB Bank (S1/S2, 21 Desember 2009) Posted: 10 Dec 2009 10:03 AM PST  1. JOB PURPOSE: To assist primarily in developing and expanding ADB's operations in the sectors covering major infrastructure, including multi-modal transport, energy, and water supply and sanitation, with inputs to other infrastructure sectors as required. In particular, the tasks will focus on medium-term planning, strategy development, sector diagnostics, due diligence and project preparation and administration. | 2. EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Provides overall support to developing and expanding ADB's operational program in Indonesia's infrastructure sectors, including sector assessments/planning, loan and technical assistance (TA) processing, and acts as the National Officer-focal point for liaison with the Government and other development partners in selected infrastructure sectors. Participates in dialogue with the Government on infrastructure policy, regulatory and institutional reforms; and, engages in monitoring recent developments on policy, legal, regulatory and institutional developments in all infrastructure sectors. Assist in the administration of the Project Development Facility and other infrastructure-related TAs and loans. Undertakes analytical assessments on assigned sectoral and thematic areas, including preparation of brief policy and sector notes. Takes responsibility for implementation and administration of the related sector projects that are delegated to IRM. Analyzes progress of projects, tracks key actions on procurement and disbursement, and leads or participates in project implementation reviews. Collates, compiles, and analyzes statistics and background information for the preparation of Annual/Quarterly Portfolio Review reports, the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and updates lending and non-lending products. Designs and maintains a database for monitoring milestone events and prepares progress reports of ADB loan projects and technical assistance. Assists staff in headquarters with related sectoral issues and administration of non-delegated projects in the concerned sectors. Liaises and collaborates with other agencies to keep IRM and headquarters updated on the latest developments in the sector. | 3. EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree in the fields of Engineering, Management, Economics or related fields of expertise; Master's degree an advantage. | 4. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Suitability to undertake the responsibilities mentioned above at the required level. At least 5 years relevant experience in project management, research, procurement; related experience in international agencies will be an advantage. Excellent writing and speaking skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Good computer skills covering word processing and spreadsheets, and preferably with knowledge of data management and graphics software. Good interpersonal skills in multicultural team environment. Familiarity with local institutions. | 5. CORE COMPETENCIES: Technical Knowledge and Skills - Can give help and advice to others based on their specialist area of knowledge and skills - Uses technical knowledge and skills to complete complex work - Uses technical knowledge and skills to improve work systems Client Orientation - Works to meet needs of clients according to ADB policy - Communicates often with clients and seeks to understand and anticipate their needs - Adapts own style to suit client preferences Achieving Results - Find ways to reduce time and cost of completing work - Monitors work and progress and makes improvements - Works with others to overcome problems and find alternative ways to complete work when necessary Working Together - Provides practical support and encouragement for team members - Encourages team members to work together and benefit from diversity in different views, culture, nationality, and gender - Sets priorities for the team and ensures they are followed through Learning and Knowledge Sharing - Learns new skills and knowledge and applies them - Continuously finds new solutions to problems - Leads the team in sharing knowledge and expertise | 6. IMMEDIATE REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS: Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and Infrastructure Specialists, IRM | 7. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: The Asian Development Bank's vision is a region free of poverty. Established in 1966 and headquartered in Manila, Philippines, ADB’s multicultural staff come from over 50 member countries. The advertised position is a local staff position with a local remuneration package. It is open only to persons who are nationals and residents of Indonesia. While the position advertised is for Indonesia Resident Mission (IRM), ADB staff must be prepared to serve in any location outside the Resident Mission at the discretion of Management. Interested applicants should quote Ref. No. EXT-NO-09-003-IRM and job title and submit their curriculum vitae not later than 21 December 2009 to: Country Director ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK – INDONESIA RESIDENT MISSION Gedung BRI II, 7th Floor JI, Jend Sudirman Kav. 44-46 Jakarta 10210, Indonesia P.O. Box 99, JKPSA, Jakarta Pusat , Indonesia Fax: +62 21 251-2749 E-mail: adbirm@adb.org An electronic application form is available at http://www.adb.org/Employment/PHF-ADB-Application-RM.xls Applications lacking the job reference number and job title or using the wrong e-mail address will not be considered. | Posted in Lowongan Kerja Pascasarjana, Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: Desember 2009, lowongan kerja, lowongan pekerjaan proyek, S1, S2   |
Penyakit Aneh Pria: Takut berdekatan dengan wanita cantik Posted: 10 Dec 2009 01:04 AM PST Baru sekarang aku tahu adanya penyakit aneh ini yang melanda sejumlah lelaki: takut beredekatan dengan perempuan cantik. Umumnya, ‘kan, kaum pria ‘kan senang didekati wanita cantik. Kalau seorang lelaki malah jadi takut (fobia), maka konon itu pertanda bahwa dia sedang sakit dan perlu diobati. Lain halnya kalau takutnya adalah karena takut dosa. Itu masuk akal. Karenanya, bukan tergolong fobia. Dalam Islam, misalnya, pergaulan dengan lawan-jenis tidaklah seleluasa dengan sesama jenis. Maka kalau kita jumpai sejumlah ikhwan “takut” melihat wanita, sebenarnya mereka takut kepada Alllah, bukan takut akan melihat wanita. Terus, kalau pria keranjingan melirik atau bahkan menatap lekat-lekat wanita cantik yang bukan istrinya, apakah itu bukan penyakit pula? Fobia Pria pada Wanita Cantik Kamis, 10/12/2009 | 15:12 WIB KOMPAS.com – Jangankan ngobrol, Anda dekati saja si dia menjauh pergi. Jika Anda memandang ke arahnya, dia buru-buru mengalihkan pandangan. Jangan lantas menganggapnya sombong, karena, bisa jadi ia sebenarnya memiliki venustraphobia. Artinya, rasa takut yang berlebihan terhadap perempuan cantik. Kok bisa? Rasa takut berlebihan Sebelum lebih jauh membahas venustraphobia, Anda perlu tahu fobia secara umum. Fobia didefinisikan sebagai rasa takut yang tidak rasional atas suatu obyek situasi atau aktivitas yang spesifik. Rasa takut dipicu stimuli yang tidak benar-benar menakutkan atau mengancam keselamatan diri. Misalnya, Anda takut pada buah tertentu, padahal buah itu tidak berbahaya ataupun mengancam jiwa. Beda jika Anda takut pada buaya. Itu normal dan wajar. Meski tidak membahayakan jiwa, namun fobia memiliki dampak yang besar terhadap kualitas hidup si penderitanya. Venustraphobia (disebut juga caligynephobia) adalah rasa takut yang berlebihan terhadap perempuan cantik. Sama halnya dengan fobia jenis lain, fobia ini juga disebabkan stimulan yang tidak wajar dan tidak membahayakan jiwa. Biasanya penyebabnya adalah kejadian atau pengalaman buruk yang berkaitan dengan perempuan cantik yang menyebabkan trauma psikologis penderitanya. Apa sih yang terjadi ketika penderita venustraphobia ini berada di antara perempuan cantik? Keringat dingin, tubuh gemetar, dan napas megap-megap. Para psikolog mengatakan, penyebab dari venustraphobia ini adalah perasaan tidak percaya diri atau rendah diri berlebihan, perasaan takut ditolak, takut tidak diterima, atau takut gagal membina hubungan. Bisa sembuh Bila pasangan menunjukkan gejala-gejala venustraphobia, Anda tidak perlu khawatir. Dia tidak sendirian di dunia ini. Sebuah penelitian mengatakan, diperkirakan sekitar 0,47 persen pria di Inggris dan 0,61 persen pria di Amerika terserang venustraphobia. Penelitian lain menyebutkan penderita fobia ini lebih banyak berasal dari kalangan menengah ke atas. Penyebabnya, seperti yang disebutkan tadi, sikap rendah diri yang berlebihan. Berawal dari tak percaya diri, lama-kelamaan perasaan ini terakumulasi menjadi fobia. Penderita fobia ini sebenarnya bisa disembuhkan. Ada berbagai metode pemulihan untuk membuat penderitanya keluar dari ketakutan, mulai dari hipnoterapi, neuro-linguistic programming, hingga energy psychology. Seperti komputer, terapi hipnoterapi dilakukan dengan memprogram ulang alam bawah sadar penderitanya dengan bantuan terapi atau psikolog sebagai mediator. Ketika rasa takutnya telah diprogram ulang, gejala fobia ini akan ditekan seminim mungkin. Neuro-linguistic programming menggunakan kekuatan imajinasi untuk memprogram ulang rasa takut si penderita. Sedangkan energy psychology merupakan terapi pemulihan yang menggabungkan berbagai macam bentuk pemulihan terhadap fobia. Metode ini relatif aman. Cara lain yang juga dilakukan untuk penyembuhan adalah menggunakan obat antidepresan, terapi bicara, atau cognitive behaviour therapy. (Ika Nurul Syifaa/Majalah CHIC) Posted in Berita & Cerita, Lain dari Yang Lain Tagged: kesehatan, kesehatan jiwa, wanita cantik   |
Hasil Penelitian: Peringatan bahaya rokok pada bungkus rokok justru tingkatkan pemakaian rokok Posted: 09 Dec 2009 04:11 PM PST Sudah cukup lama, pemerintah mengharuskan pencantuman peringatan “Merokok dapat menyebabkan kangker, serangan jantung, impotensi, dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin” pada setiap bungkus rokok. Demikian pula di luar negeri. Pada bungkus rokok harus dicantumkan peringatan maut seperti pada gambar di sebelah kiri ini. Peringatan maut seperti itu diyakini (entah atas dasar apa) merupakan cara yang cukup ampuh untuk mengurangi tradisi merokok. Namun, benarkah cara begitu itu efektif? Mungkin TIDAK. Menurut suatu penelitian ilmiah yang hasilnya diterbitkan di Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, cara peringatan maut seperti itu seringkali tidak ampuh, tetapi justru meningkatkan pemakaian rokok. Yang lebih efektif adalah peringatan yang tidak terkait dengan kematian. Misalnya, “Merokok menjadikan Anda tidak menarik lagi.“ Ini dia beritanya: (Maaf, berita berikut ini masih berbahasa Inggris. Kalau dirimu sudah temukan versi Indonesia-nya, tolong kasih tahu, ya!) SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Cigarette pack warnings that remind smokers of the fatal consequences of their habit may actually make them smoke more as a way to cope with the inevitability of death, according to researchers. A small study by psychologists from the United States, Switzerland and Germany showed that warnings unrelated to death, such as “smoking makes you unattractive” or “smoking brings you and the people around you severe damage,” were more effective in changing smokers’ attitudes toward their habit. This was especially the case in people who smoked to boost their self-esteem, such as youth who took up the habit to impress or fit in with their peers and others who thought smoking increased their social value, the researchers said. “In general, when smokers are faced with death-related anti-smoking messages on cigarette packs, they produce active coping attempts as reflected in their willingness to continue the risky smoking behavior,” the study said. “To succeed with anti-smoking messages on cigarette packs one has to take into account that considering their death may make people smoke.” The study was based on 39 psychology students, aged between 17 and 41, who said they were smokers. Participants filled in a questionnaire to determine how much their smoking was based on self-esteem, were then shown cigarette packs with different warnings on them, and then after a 15-minute delay, the students were asked more questions about their smoking behavior that included if they intended to quit. “One the one hand, death-related warnings were not effective and even ironically caused more positive smoking attitudes among smokers who based their self-esteem on smoking,” the study said. “On the other hand, warning messages that were unrelated to death effectively reduced smoking attitudes the more recipients based their self-esteem on smoking.” The researchers said this finding can be explained by the fact that warnings such as “smoking makes you unattractive” may be particularly threatening to people who believe that smoking makes them feel valued by others or boosts their self-image. The study was published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. (Writing by Miral Fahmy; Editing by Alex Richardson) Posted in Berita & Cerita, Cerita Lucu Tagged: bahaya merokok, kesehatan, penelitian, psikologi sosial   |
Lowongan Kerja BUMN Bank Syariah Mandiri, seluruh wilayah Indonesia (D3/S1 semua jurusan, 31 Desember 2009) Posted: 09 Dec 2009 02:42 PM PST BSM e-Recruitment | | Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan, silakan kirimkan lamaran secara online dengan cara klik link di atas (warna pink) sesuai dengan posisi yang diinginkan, paling lambat 31 Desember 2009. (Setiap pelamar diperkenankan mendaftar maksimal 3 posisi.) Kalau mengalami kemacetan dan diperingatkan bahwa link tersebut mungkin berbahaya, maka klik “I understand the risk“, lalu “add exception“, kemudian “get certificate“, dan akhirnya: “confirm …“. Posted in Lowongan Kerja Diploma, Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: D3, Desember 2009, informasi istimewa, lowongan BUMN, lowongan kerja, lowongan kerja bank, S1   |
Lowongan Kerja PT Santos Jaya Abadi (produsen kopi Kapal Api) (D3/S1, 19 Desember 2009) Posted: 09 Dec 2009 02:27 PM PST PT Santos Jaya AbadiPT. Santos Jaya Abadi: A national leader in the coffee products is looking for competent people to fill up the following positions: 1. Purchasing staff (code: PCH) Job Description: - Implement the purchase of production machinery spare part,
- Project requirement and other technical requirement based
- On each department needs
Job Specification: - Male, maximum 30 years old
- Bachelor Degree in technical / Industrial Engineering
- Preferably with 1 year experience in related field
- Proficient in using MS Office
- Having good skills in communication, negotiation and administration
- Having good concern in details, persistent, honest and discipline
2. Brand Manager (code: BM) Job Description: Implement brand management of one or more brand / Product to attain sales target and market share Job Specification: - Male, maximum 33 years old
- Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university preferably in business / marketing management
- Having minimum 5 -7 year (s) of working experience in related field and minimal 3 years in management level
- Having excellent knowledge and skill marketing and Brand management
- Strong strategic leadership with good interpersonal and communication skill
3. PPIC Coordinator (code: PPC) Ensure the availability and managing row material warehouse in order to support the production activities Job Specification: - Male, 30 -35 years old
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering
- Having 3 -5 years experience at managerial level in food manufacturing industry
- Competence in logistic management, production scheduling, MRP and supply chain management
- Strong leadership, strategic-minded & excellent communication skill
4. Training Staff (code: TS) Job Description: Implement training and organizational development activities Based on company's needs & procedure Job Specification: - Male – Female, maximum 30 years old
- Bachelor Degree in Psychology, Management. Industrial Engineering or Law
- Having minimum 2 years relevant experience in manufacturing industry
- Having knowledge of training needs analysis human resource issue, training effectiveness analysis
- Having good interpersonal & communication skill
5. Production Manager (code: PM) Implement production management to ensure the fulfillment of production delivery order according to the quantity and quality standard Job Specification: - Male, minimum 30 years old
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical or Food Technology)
- Having 5 – 8 years experience at managerial level in food manufacturing industry
- Competence in all aspect of production and Post-production management
- Having excellent knowledge and skill in mechanic or electric field
- Strong leadership, strategic-minded and excellent Communication skill
6. Maintenance Supervisor (code: MSPV) Job Description: Supervisor maintenance and repair plant machinery and Utilities in order to support all plant operational. Job Specification: - Male, 24-30 years old
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Industrial, or food Technology)
- Having 2 – 3 years experience at supervisory level in food manufacturing industry
- Having excellent knowledge and skill in mechanical or Electrical
- Strong leadership and excellent communication skill
- Willing to work in shifts
7. Production Supervisor (code: PSPV ) Supervise production daily operational in order to achieve the Quantity and quality standard Job Specification: - Male, 24-30 years old
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Industrial or food Technology)
- Having 2 – 3 years experience at supervisory level in food
- Manufacturing industry
- Strong leadership and excellent communication skill
- Willing to work in ships
8. QC Analyst (code: QA) Job Description: Coordinate and monitoring quality control activities in Laboratory to ensure the suitability or product quality to quantity Standard Job Specification: - Female, maximum 25 years old
- Bachelor Degree in food Technology
- Having good competency in statistic food analysis and writing reports
- Having leadership experience and good interpersonal & communication skill
9. Machine Operator (code: OPR) Job Description: Operate machine to achieve quality & quantity target based on working instruction & procedure Job Specification: - Male, max 28 years old
- Minimum Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
- Having organization or leadership experience
- Having good interpersonal & communication skill
10. Marketing Staff (code: MKT) Job Description: Conduct market development through promotion and distribution activities target and market share for certain field Job Specification: - Male, maximum 27 years old
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor Degree in
- Marketing or equivalent, fresh graduate may also reply
- Good verbal and written communication abilities
- Independent with lost of initiative, confidence, drive and a good team player
- Enjoys working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment
- Owns car driving license
General Requirements: - Having Knowledge and experience in HACCP, GMP, ISO 9001:2000. & 5 R (1 –10)
- Willing to be placed in Sidoarjo (1)
- Willing to be placed in Jakarta (2)
- Willing to be placed in Karawang (3- 4)
- Willing to be placed in Sidoarjo & Karawang (5 – 9)
- Willing to be placed in any location in Indonesia (10)
- Fluent in English and Mandarin language (1-8 & 10)
We would like to invite you to apply the position by sending your resume with attached photograph to: Human Resource Department PO BOX 4457 Jakarta 10045 Not later than 19 December 2009 Posted in Lowongan Kerja Diploma, Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: D3, Desember 2009, lowongan kerja, S1   |
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