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Suara Mustika: “Lowongan Kerja BUMN Garuda Indonesia (D3/S1, 25 Januari 2010)” plus 6 more

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

Suara Mustika: “Lowongan Kerja BUMN Garuda Indonesia (D3/S1, 25 Januari 2010)” plus 6 more

Link to Suara Mustika

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Garuda Indonesia (D3/S1, 25 Januari 2010)

Posted: 27 Dec 2009 01:37 PM PST

logo Garuda IndonesiaPT Garuda Indonesia, salah satu perusahaan Penerbangan Terbesar di Indonesia, merupakan badan usaha milik negara (BUMN). BUMN ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai berikut:

Human Capital Officer

(Jakarta Raya – Cengkareng Tangerang)


  • Pria / Wanita
  • Usia 25 Maximum
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Pendidikan D3 / S1 Teknologi Informasi , Manajemen, dan administrasi, lulusan dari Universitas/ Akademi terkemuka
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
  • Berkepribadian baik, energik, ramah, mudah beradaptasi, disiplin, dan memiliki integritas

Click Here to Apply


(Jakarta Raya – Cengkareng Tangerang)


  • Wanita
  • Usia 25 Maximum
  • Berat dan Tinggi Badan Proposional
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Pendidikan D3 sekretaris / S1 administrasi, lulusan dari Akademi/Universitas terkemuka
  • Diutamakan yang berpengalaman (Experience)
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office & Ms Outlook)
  • Berkepribadian baik, energik, ramah, mudah beradaptasi, disiplin, dan memiliki integritas

Click Here to Apply

Posted in Lowongan Kerja Diploma, Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: D3, Januari 2010, lowongan BUMN, lowongan kerja, S1

Gurita Cikeas Terbongkar, SBY Bunuh Diri?

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 11:12 PM PST

Presiden SBY bunuh diri? Inilah berita terpanas dan terheboh yang kami jumpai hari ini. Namun rupanya, yang dimaksud dengan “bunuh diri” itu adalah ungkapan kiasan yang menggambarkan tidak populernya larangan peredaran buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas. (Penasaran mau tahu isinya? Silakan simak kutipannya di sini.)

buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas“Sesuatu yang harus diketahui presiden adalah melawan arus publik sama dengan bunuh diri. Presiden tidak boleh mengulang era Soeharto, yang melawan arus publik. Buku itu sah dan harus diakui karya ilmiahnya. Justru publik akan semakin mencurigai dan makin jelas ada sesuatu, di balik buku ini. Ini sudah kontraproduktif,” tutur Boni Hargens seusai diskusi ‘Refleksi dan Evaluasi Rapot Pemerintahan SBY-Boediono, di Jakarta, Minggu (27/12)

“Setelah saya baca keseluruhan isi buku tersebut lantas saya berpikir bahwa SBY ini mirip seperti Pak Harto. Manis, senyum, tapi ganas juga saat membangun tim sukses,” sebut anggota Fraksi PDIP Eva Kusuma Sundari saat dihubungi INILAH.COM di Jakarta, Minggu (27/12).

Akan tetapi, lewat Juru Bicara Kepresidenan, Julian Pasha, SBY menyatakan prihatin dengan data-data yang disajikan dalam buku itu karena (menurut pihak SBY) banyak berisi ketidakbenaran dan fitnah.

Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi? Let’s wait and see.

Posted in Berita & Cerita, Berita Terpanas Tagged: berita, breaking news, SBY

Lowongan Kerja HUAWEI (D3/S1 semua jurusan, Desember 2009 – Januari 2010)

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 05:57 PM PST

logo HuaWeiHuawei Technologies is a leader in providing next generation telecommunications network solutions for operators around the world. Our products and solutions are deployed in over 100 countries and serve 31 of the world's top 50 operators and over one billion users worldwide. Now we're expanding our business and are inviting qualified personnel with high team spirit to join our operation in INDONESIA


1. Structure Design Planning Engineer
Provide hands on for Site design software, structure & foundation within the responsibility of making & monitoring site design drawing. as well. Site survey is seen as part of the job.

2. Drafter
Familiar with AutoCAD design 3D/2D with responsibility for routine maintenance checking, supervise the construction of diesel generators, and also trouble shooting when necessary.

3. PLN Coordinator
Experienced to PLN application flow, understand the elements of electric power and transformer, well known telecommunication site power system and configuration, also coordination with AKLI for power connection.

4. SITAC Coordinator
Ensure the land acquisition process with the local citizen and district government regulations, able to acquire sites within given deadline and pressures. Strong canon and negotiation skills required.

5. Site Sharing Engineer
Perform acquisition tasks to get permit of sharing-site with operator sharing or to-co sharing. Manage the overall administration process with related tower owner and produce correct documentation to client for approval.

6. Civil Mechanical Electrical Engineer
Responsible for a civil work of BTS construction to meet the customer requirements, has knowledge and experiences in CME field.

7. Material Controller
Must understand all material requirement of a site, tower, shelter and ME, also will conduct checking quality of material in comparison to site design drawing.

8. Project Controller
Assisting project the project target including monitoring and maintain overall process, audit random of site working, also monitoring subcontractor performance.

9. Project Engineer
Cooperate with site teams to make Huawei equipment on air (in service) on time and fulfill customer requirements. Responsible as site engineer including site progress supervision site survey, problem solving and site access solving.

10. RNP Engineer
Involved in RF optimization of existing CDMA. GSM or WCDMA networks as well to be participate in wireless bidding project, conducts survey, design and plan to identify the suitable location of base station and post sales activities.

11. TNP Engineer
You will be responsible for the quality of Microwave Planning including LOS survey, link budget design, MUX planning, frequency planning, TSSR report, and MW swap solution.

12. Microwave Engineer
Hands-on knowledge and experience in the fundamentals of microwave transmission systems, areas and tools of network planning, installation, testing, and commissioning.

13. Wireless Engineer
Manage overall the ITC implementation team and as well to perform post-sales project cementation and technical support for GSM / CDMA/ WCDMA BSS,

14. Legal Specialist
Responsible for legal matters including draft and review commercial contract, agreement, provide legal advice, also for matters that related to industrial dispute, lawsuit and arbitration.

15, Secretary
Responsible for variety of correspondence, report, translate, presentation, organize and maintain files, as well as general affairs.

16. Document Controller I Project Administrator
Perform general administration tasks, monitor subcontractors document progress, verify on the site document content, communication with customer & subcontractor administration team, ensure timely document submission until acceptance certificate by consumer.

17. Managed Service Solution Manager
You will be responsible to design customize managed service solution, to develop business and to deal with high level customer

18. Field Operation Maintenance Manager (Kalimantan)
Responsible for corrective and preventive of field operation

19. Core Network Engineer
You will be responsible for on-site survey, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance of GSM / CDMA / WCDMA and NGN equipment.

20. Optical Network Engineer
Involve in the technical design of fiber optic transmission, SDH or DWDM network including preparation related to technical proposal, testing & commissioning, site survey, maintenance and trouble shooting.


21. Account Manager
You will be Responsible for the overall customer relationship development.

22. Core Network Technical Sales Manager
You will be perform to support pre-sales activities (incl. responding RFI, RFQ and RFP) of Huawei Core Network products.

23. Senior Channel Sales Manager
You will be responsible to explore telecommunication terminal devices (handset, modem, FWT, etc) business opportunities in open market, partner with distributors.

24. Marketing Manager
You will perform for increasing Huawei terminal devices (handset, modem, FWT, etc) retain sales, market share and promoting Huawei brand.

25. Sales Manager
You will perform and explore telecommunication devices (handset, modem, FWT) business opportunities within operator bundling and open market.

26. Marketing Executive (Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java)
Monitor and analyze the market changes, product performance and find business opportunities for telecommunication terminal devices.

27. Terminal Technical and Maintenance Engineer
Responsible for technical training of telecommunication devices (handset, modem, FWT, etc)

28. Mobile After Sales Service Engineer (Medan, Surabaya)
Responsible for manage service agency and service centre.

29. VAS Engineer
Perform for project delivery and maintenance of application and software.

30. HR Manager
You will perform and ensure successful implementation of Human Resources spectrum within delivery & service group

31. Financing Manager
You will responsible for all aspects of financing and collection, including project financing.

32. Sales Management Specialist
You will perform contract review, correspondence, and reports in Mandarin language.

Delivery & Service Requirements:

  • Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication/Electrical Engineering or Civil Engineering or Industrial Engineering (no. 1-20)
  • Bachelor Degree in Law or equivalent (no. 14).
  • Diploma 3 Degree in Secretary or Administration (no. 15 & 16).
  • Fresh graduate with GPA 2.75 are welcome to apply for 5, 7-13, 15, 16.
  • At least 2 years experience in relevant function is a must for non fresh graduate positions
  • The above positions are available in any region around Indonesia

Sales & Management Requirements:

  • Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (no. 21 – 29)
  • Bachelor Degree in Human Resources Management, Law and Psychology (no.30).
  • Bachelor Degree in Finance (no 31)
  • Bachelor Degree in any major (no. 32)
  • At least 5 years experience in related field with the same position for Managerial

General Requirements:

  • Proficiency in English language is a must, able to communicate verbally as well in written in Mandarin would be an added value.
  • Able to work in multicultural as well to work in pace changing environment.
  • Positive attitude, independent, self driven, self motivation, and good coordination toward others.
  • Willing to work with traveling condition to all Indonesia regions

If you meet the above requirements & qualifications please send your application letter (include scan copy of transcript, graduation and work certificate not more than 2MB to:


Posted in Lowongan Kerja Diploma, Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: D3, Desember 2009, Januari 2010, lowongan kerja, S1

Lowongan Site Engineer KFC (S1 Teknik, 9 Januari 2010)

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 05:07 PM PST

logo KFCKentucky Fried Chicken the largest Fast Food Restaurant in Indonesia, challenge you who have extraordinary capabilities to fill the following position:


  • Male/Female
  • Age maximum 35 years old
  • Degree architect in site development for minimum 1 year
  • Experience in Site Development min 1 year
  • Good Communication & Interpersonal Skill
  • Good planning, Executing, Reporting and Analytical Thinking
  • Able to work individually, under pressure and meet tight ideas
  • Able to speak in English both oral & written

Please write the position you apply as the subject and send your CV, certificate A Transcript, ID card and recent photograph before January 9th 2010 to:

Recruitment & Selection Dept.
Jl. Raya Daan Mogot No. 163 Lt. Dasar
Jakarta Barat

Posted in Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: Desember 2009, Januari 2010, lowongan kerja, S1

MUI akan sudah haramkan film Suster Keramas

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 03:29 PM PST

film-film Indonesia

film-film Indonesia

Hebohnya film Suster Keramas menarik perhatian MUI. Sejumlah elemen MUI di daerah menghendaki dilarangnya pemutaran film yang menjurus porno seperti itu. Tidak mustahil, kalau kita meminta, akan keluar fatwa pengharamannya dari MUI. Bukankah MUI mengharamkan segala yang mendekati zina?

MUI Samarinda Tolak Film Suster Keramas

SAMARINDA,–Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Samarinda menolak pemutaran film “Suter Kramas” yang rencananya akan ditayangkan secara serentak di berbagai daerah menjelang pergantian tahun pada 31 Desember mendatang.

“Kami menolak pemutaran film Suster Kramas yang akan diputar di Samarinda,” kata Ketua MUI Samarinda KH. Zaini Naim kepada ANTARA di Samarinda, Sabtu.

Film yang dibintangi bintang porno Jepang, Rin Sakuragi, pengganti Miyabi tersebut direncanakan akan diputar serentak di bioskop di seluruh Indonesia pada malam tahun baru.

“Tidak ada nuansa pendidikan pada film itu tetapi justru dapat merusak moral generasi muda. Sudah bisa dipastikan bahwa jika film itu diputar, penontonya didominasi oleh kalangan remaja,” kata Zaini Naim.

Film garapan Maxima Picture tersebut menggambarkan kedatangan seorang gadis Jepang ke Indonesia untuk mencari saudaranya yang bekerja sebagai perawat.

Persoalan yang kemudian banyak menuai kecaman adalah film horor yang dibintangi gadis kelahiran Hyogo, Jepang, pada 03 Maret 1989 itu tidak terlepas dari adegan porno yang diperankan Rin Sakuragi.

Pada salah satu adeganya, pengganti Miyabi itu terlihat memamerkan kemolekan tubuhnya pada dua pemuda.

“Film ini tidak layak ditonton, pasalahnya hanya memamerkan aurat wanita sehingga MUI meminta pihak terkait di Samarinda melarang pemutaran film itu” katanya.

Ia menambahkan selain menghimbau agar mmasyarakat agar tidak menonton film itu, juga pihaknya akan meminta pihak terkait yang memiliki kewenangan agar melarang pemutaran film itu di Samarinda.

Manajer Studio 21 Samarinda Central Plasa, Bono mengatakan bahwa belum menerima pemberitahuan tentang rencana pemutaran film Suster Keramas tersebut.

“Hingga saat ini (Sabtu) saya belum mendengar rencana pemutaran film itu di Studio 21 SCP,” ungkap Bono.

Salah seorang warga Samarinda, Rzal, mengaku belum mengetahui adanya film porno yang dibintangi Rin Sakuragi.

“Setahu saya, yang selama ini digembar-gemborkan film itu akan dibintangi Miyabi dan katanya batal dibuat. Kami berharap film itu bisa diputar di Samarinda persis dimalam tahun baru agar warga tidak berkumpul di satu tempat saja,” ujar Rizal.

Warga lainnya, Sari mengaku, dirinya tidak tertarik dengan film berbau porno.

“Saya sudah membaca di koran kalau film merupakan film porno dan akan di putar di berbagai bioskop pada 31 Desember 2009. Saya tidak berminat menonton karena film itu bukan tontonan yang dapat memberi manfaat. Leih baik merayakan tahun baru di rumah bersama keluarga,” ujar Sari.


Editor: jodhi

Sumber : ANT

Posted in Berita & Cerita, Berita Terpanas Tagged: berita, fatwa MUI, film Indonesia, mendekati zina, Suster Keramas

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Dahana (D3/S1 Teknik, 8 Januari 2010)

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 02:32 PM PST

logo DahanaPT Dahana is an Indonesian State-Owned company in the field of strategic industry offering integrated explosives services for Oil & Gas, General Mining and Quarry & Construction sectors. Having experienced more than 40 years and supported by complete facilities, the latest technology and the best human resources. Dahana is your choice for partnership which may add the value of your operating company in Indonesia.

Due to our organization anda business reposition, we shalenge you to join our team as Management Trainee. The right candidates must possess the following qualification :

  • Male/Female, max. 25 years old
  • From reputable university/polytechnic. majoring in :
  1. Mining Engineering (S-1)
  2. Power Engineerign (D-3)
  3. Electronics (D-3)
  • Candidates must have minimum GPA 2,75 (sclae 0-4)
  • Mature, independent, creative, anda high integrity
  • Good command of English as indicated in the selection test

If you have courage to answer our challenge, please send your application letter in English with recent photograph and detailed resume to the address below or fill the vacancy form in not later than January 8, 2010.

PT DAHANA (Persero)
HR & Organization Development
Kl. Letkol Basir Surya PO.BOX 117 Tasikmalaya

or e-mail to :

For detailed info please visit our website at
All application will be treated confidently. Only short-listed candidates will be notofied

Bagi yang berminat lebih lanjut, silakan klik :

Posted in Lowongan Kerja Diploma, Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: D3, Desember 2009, Januari 2010, lowongan BUMN, lowongan kerja, S1

Lowongan Kerja Pasaraya (SLTA/S1 semua jurusan,9 Januari 2010)

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 02:11 PM PST

logo PasarayaA well-established company in retail business, seeking a young dynamic, enthusiastic and qualified candidates to fill vacant positions in our expanding business as:

Management Trainee (Code: MT)

  • The candidate must be the graduate from reputable university wit GPA min. 2.75 (scale 4)
  • Male/female with max. age 27 years
  • The Candidate also must fluent in both spoken & written English and have ability to operating computer

Floor Manager (Code: FM)

  • Min. S1 graduate from reputable university
  • Male/female (female preferable) with max age 38 years
  • Have min. 4 years experience in same position in retail industry/department store
  • Have knowledge in fashion especially ladies/men fashion & accessories

Sales Promotion Girl/Boy (Code: SPG/SPB)

  • Min. SMU/SMK
  • Male/female with min. high 158 cm (female) and 170 (male)
  • English pasif
  • Good personality

Please submit your complete resume together with relevant document, telephone/HP number & recent photograph before January 9, 2010 to:

Human Capital Division
Jln. Iskandarsyah II/2, 6th floor
Blok M Keb. Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12160

Please mark code on your envelope. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for selection process.

Posted in Lowongan Kerja Sarjana, Lowongan Kerja SLTA, Peluang Rezeki Tagged: Desember 2009, Jakarta, Januari 2010, lowongan kerja, S1, SLTA

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